How To Use Korean Household Appliances
Every country has their own electronic appliances in their own functionable ways and South Korea is not an exception. As a foreigner coming to a foreign country, and it’s ok if you don’t speak their language. You could just speak in maybe English or maybe just do some body language, it doesn’t matter as long as you are able to convey your message and get what you need. But the problem with these objects is they don’t speak and are displayed in a total foreign language that you won’t understand even if you try playing with it for an entire day.
Well we are here to help you with your problem by sorting out a simple guide for all the daily electronic appliances you will be using!
How To Use The Washing Machine
Press the power button.
Put in your laundry and close the cover.
Press the start button. (you don’t have to press any settings as once the power is on, it will be on Standard mode 표준 세탁!) If it is not on Standard mode 표준 세탁, turn or press the button to change to on Standard mode 표준 세탁
How To Turn On The Floor Heating & Hot Water For Showering
All boiler controllers are similar to one another, just find the right button described below to input settings!
전원 (Power Button)
난방 (Floor Heating)
온수/온수온도 (Hot Water)– 하온 (Low), 중온 (Mid), 고온 (High)
Boiler Controller type 1
For floor heating, press 난방 (floor heating) button and the floor will be heated within few minutes. Press the +/- button below to adjust the heating temperature.
For hot water, press 온수 (hot water) button, and press the button below 온수온도 (water temperature) to adjust the bar on the right hand side of the screen between low, mid or high.
Boiler Controller type 2
Press the power button, 전원.
For floor heating, press 난방 (floor heating) button and the floor will be heated within few minutes. Use the left button 난방 (floor heating) to adjust the floor heating temperature.
For hot water, press 온수 (hot water) button. Use the left 온수 (hot water) button to adjust the water temperature between 하온(low), 중온(mid), 고온(high).
How To Connect To The Wi-Fi
Please check your room’s individual internet box. The Wi-Fi ID and password is located on the internet box or the Wi-Fi router. You can connect to either ID, the password is at the below.
If you cannot find the set-up box in your room then ask your house owner!
How To Use The Gas Stoves
- Search for the gas pipe located on the wall around the gas stove area
- Press inwards and turn it to the left to turn on the gas flow
- Then at the gas stove, press inwards and turn it to the left to turn on the fire
How To Use The Microwave
- Place your food and close the lid
- Press the Start button , every time you press is 30 Seconds and it will start!
- Press the button next to start to Cancel or Stop