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Living in Korea: Asia will not go back to Italy!

Updated on Aug 29, 2023 · By Tom

Our next interviews will be those of Italian students living in Korea. They were previously staying at a dorm in Donguk University but they decided to change their lifestyle and live in their own apartment together with Enkor. Our first guest is Asia.

Hello Asia, how are you?

Hi, I'm great thank you.

We wanted to know if you felt a difference ever since you changed accommodation.

Oh it's only been one month and I can already feel the difference. The main differences are the freedom and the responsabilities. Back in the dorm we had to come back early and we had room inspections while now we can come and go whenver we want. And for the cleaning is was different but I prefere here were we can clean our space directly. We feel more at home. But I do miss some things fom the dormitory.

What would it be?

The common kitchen was bigger, we had a drier for the clothes and there were a lot of students there so the communication was easier. You could see your friends whenever you felt like it and you never felt alone. But I had to share a room so I'm to have my own room now, at least I can have personal space.

What brought you to Korea in the first place?

I was always drawn to Asian culture in general and with the years I became more and more interested in Korea. I used Youtube a lot during my search. So I came here thinking let's try for a semester and if I like it I'll stay. So I'm here now and I like it.

So you plan to stay?

Yes, I will try to stay for at least a year to study filmmaking. At first I planned to come back to Italy and go to Japan if it didn't work out. But I want to remain in Asia actually, Italy is not for me. Italy doesn't work well and Europe is a lot of troubles, there are a lot of issues there.

Are there some things that surprised you in Korea?

Yes, a bunch. You know the special seats in the buses and subways? I used to sit there and my friends told me “nonono it's for pregnant women” and I was embarrassed because we don't have such things in Italy so I told myself that I will never sit there again..
And the taxis, did not know if the red light or the green light was the right one so I was waiting and the taxis just went pass me… Oh and one last thing, some Koreans stare at you. So it made me uncomfortable at first, but now it's normal for me.

What about the nightlife?

I like to go out, mostly in Hongdae GOGOS2 club. The whole vibe is different than in Italy. Like it's also so clean, from the morning you can see people working on cleaning the streets, we don't have this back home. 
And how can people drink so much here? The first thing I saw when I arrived in Seoul was a drunk man at 7pm! But I still feel safe though, I returned home alone walking. The only bad experience I had about nightlife in Seoul was not from Korean but with Americans actually, they come to me and my friends and tried to hit on us… but I think Koreans in the other way are more shy so you need to make the first move with them.

Thank you Asia, on our next episode we talk about COVID and Italian people with Linda!


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