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Visa Requirements for Entering Korea

Updated on Mar 19, 2024 · By ENKOR

Visa Requirements for Entering Korea

When Do You Need a Visa to Enter Korea?

The need for a visa to enter Korea largely depends on your nationality, the purpose of your visit, and the length of your stay. Below is a table summarizing the scenarios where a visa is typically required:

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Visa Application Process

Steps to Apply for a Korean Visa

  1. Identify the Required Visa Type: Choose the visa category that matches your visit's purpose.
  2. Fill Out the Visa Application Form: Download the form from the Korean Embassy or Consulate's official website.
  3. Collect Required Documents: Prepare all documents listed on the embassy's site, including passport photos, financial proofs, etc.
  4. Pay the Visa Application Fee: The fee varies by visa type and nationality. Confirm the exact amount with the embassy.
  5. Submit Your Application: Hand in your application and documents to the Korean Embassy or Consulate, either directly or via a designated agency.
  6. Attend a Visa Interview (If Necessary): Some visa types require an interview. You'll be informed if this applies to you.
  7. Wait for Visa Processing: The processing time can differ. Inquire about the processing time upon application.
  8. Receive Your Visa: Once approved, make sure to check the visa for its validity and any entry conditions before planning your travel.

Important Tips

  • Verify Information Regularly: Visa policies are subject to change. Always consult the embassy's official website for the latest information.
  • Prepare Documents Meticulously: Incomplete or incorrect documents can cause application delays or denials.
  • Be Mindful of Visa Validity: Ensure your travel plans align with the visa's validity period to avoid overstaying.

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